Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Journaling 101

Journaling is something for everyone in all phases of life. It’s an amazing tool that allows you to decompress, make realizations and get clear. This post covers all things journaling.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Comfort Zones: Tips + Mentalities

Let’s chat about a mentality and advice for leaving your comfort zone. These shifts can make all the difference. Hopefully there’s something here that resonates helping you expand.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

The Idea of Genuine Gratitude

We can all benefit from having more gratitude. But would you have guessed there’s a more beneficial type and way of going about it? Today, we talk about genuine gratitude and ways to have more of it.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

How Does Muscle Memory Work?

Muscle memory is a crazy, gratifying phenomenon. We know the body can do wonderful things like remembering how to ride a bike or swing a golf club, but how does it recover muscle it’s lost. This post reviews what actually goes down within muscle fibers and cells when starting to workout after losing muscle.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Enjoying the Holiday Season

The start of the holiday season is upon us. This time of year brings food, dessert, alcohol, parties and travel. It’s a time where most routines get interrupted. Let’s chat about how you can enjoy your holiday season!

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

The Subconscious

The subconscious is full of messages, thoughts, beliefs and ideas that you pick up on throughout your life. If repeated or seen enough, they become strong influences for you. This can impact one’s relationships, confidence, training and more.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Strengthening Your Core

Core stabilization isn’t necessarily a well-known aspect of training. It helps with protecting the spine as does bracing the core. Read through a personal story while learning about stabilizing your deep core muscles.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

How to Structure Goals

Everyone has goals. They can be big, small, challenging, lofty, short term, long term, etc. Adding structure to a goal + upgrading your mindset can mean reaching every goal.

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Health Taylor Ciccarelli Health Taylor Ciccarelli

5 Awesome Health & Wellness Podcasts

There’s so many ways to learn — blog posts, books, videos, classes, podcasts and more. This week brings you a list of podcasts that serve as inspiration for a lot of Adroit’s blog posts. They’re full of information, proactive measures and even some humor.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

ANTs: Automatic Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can affect one’s health, confidence and quality of life. Some individuals may have automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) regularly without even being aware. Learn about what ANTs are, the types, how to combat them and more.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

“Doing it All” Slows You Down

You don’t need to do a million things every day to be productive or successful. The idea of “doing it all” can be detrimental to one’s wellbeing and happiness. This post explores what this looks like, briefly defines burnout and provides some actions to take.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Do it Now: A Clever Concept

We all tend to put things off. Whether it’s cleaning dishes or organizing your junk drawer. There always feels like there will be a “better time.” However, there never is and ultimately, it’s more beneficial to “do it now.”

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Aim to be One Percent Better Every Day

It’s difficult not to compare ourselves to others, get wrapped up in all our to-dos and to be overwhelmed by our busy schedules. It may seem like you are always doing the most, but getting no where. Focusing on being one percent better every day can help with these uneasy feelings.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Motivation & Seasons

Feeling motivated is an awesome emotion, but we all know it comes and goes. It can undoubtably get discouraging. So, what can we do? This week’s article discusses how motivation is defined, why we lose it, a few things to do and more.

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