Aim to be One Percent Better Every Day

We can get wrapped up in all the things we “should” be doing. We see and hear what others achieve feeling as though we need to do same. It might seem like they are doing everything, but it doesn’t mean they are or that you should too.

We become distracted and derailed from what would actually push us forward.

With that said, are you doing enough to get you where you want to go?

Analyze your day and actions. Are you doing what you need to achieve your goals and dreams? Do your behaviors reflect the person you want to be? Ensure you are doing enough to move the needle. 

A fool-proof habit to ensure this happens is aiming to be one percent better every day

It’s you vs. you

What can you do better today? What didn’t you do yesterday that you should today? Asking yourself questions like these helps pinpoint areas of stability AND improvement. 

Reflect often and ask questions like:

  1. What went well today? How can I continue to do this?

  2. What didn’t go so well today? How can I change this?

  3. What gave me energy yesterday? How can I keep it going today?

  4. What drained me yesterday? How can I avoid that today?

  5. How can I show up differently for myself today?

This mentality brings you into the present moment. You’re looking at and planning next steps rather than being hung up on the end result. Small actions lead to bigger results driving you to achieve your commitments.

Do one small thing (anything) each day that will bring you closer to the person you want to be or the things you want to accomplish.

That act of doing this one small thing makes you a better version of yourself. 

These acts can revolve around anything – habits, self improvement, health, fitness, careers, relationships, etc. This concept can be applied to all areas of your life. It will keep you progressing rather than remaining stagnant. 

Scenario: You constantly say you want to be more mindful, but you never really try. You could create a list of activities that cultivate that feeling. Each day dedicate time to one of the options.

It’s effort and determination that makes success happen. “Success” can be defined differently by everyone, but we all have our own version(s). You’ll never feel proud if you aren’t doing something each day to move forward or improve. 

When you identify what needs to be done and say you’ll do it, you’re making a promise to your future self. Are you going to choose to honor that promise and carry it out? It’s the act of completing that promise that makes you one percent better. 

So I leave you with the most important question: How can you be one percent better today?


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