Do it Now: A Clever Concept

“Do it now” is a mentality that frees up space – physically, emotionally and most importantly, mentally. 

It’s exactly how it sounds. It’s a mechanism to stop putting things off. A tactic that persuades you to act in the moment. 

We all have tasks or chores that we put off for seemingly no reason. We tell ourselves we’ll do it later, but that time never comes. A cycle begins and every time we think of said task, we say “I’ll do it later.” 

Put an end to this pattern by embracing this concept.

When you notice this sequence taking place, pause and think “do it now.” Then, act. Do whatever “it” is. 

This interrupts the pattern and interjects a solution (taking action to complete the task). 


This can be applied to every area of life and used multiple times a day. 

Have you been putting off making a doctors appointment? Do it now.

Opened a package, threw the empty box in the garage and haven’t disposed of the box yet? Do it now.

Tried on a few outfits while getting ready, but don’t feel like putting them away before leaving? Do it now.

The same goes for when you use something. When finished, put it away where it’s kept. This prevents the “I’ll do it later” cycle from beginning.


There’s no difference between doing the task now or later. Either way it’s going to take the same amount of time. However, doing it *now* opens mental capacity and shortens to-do lists. 

You’re keeping the number of “open tabs” in your brain low. The more you complete, the less you’re always thinking about. Especially small things like throwing boxes away or washing the dishes. 

This frees up space in your brain to think about bigger, more important things. It’s also freeing up space physically and keeping your environment organized. Lastly, you’re managing your to-do lists. 

Promises to yourself are being kept as well. When you say you’re going to do something later but fail to do so, you’re teaching yourself your words have no validity. Your brain pays attention to how your words and actions align.

Acting in the moment reverses this and prompts you to keep your word. It may feel odd at first to remind yourself to “do it now,” but it will become automatic with practice. You’ll eventually establish a habit that requires little to no thinking. 

“I’ll do it later” becomes “I’ll do it now.”


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