Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

The Art of Noticing

The art of noticing invites slowness, gratitude, appreciation and wonder into your life. It takes you away from the hustle and bustle of today’s world. You’ll see things you’ve never seen, reconnect with yourself and so much more.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

My Top 3 Adroit Mindset Blog Posts

Last but not least… three recaps of our mindset blogs. The top tips and reasonings are outlined within the post. Links to the original blogs are included as well as links to additional mindset posts.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Comfort Zones: Tips + Mentalities

Let’s chat about a mentality and advice for leaving your comfort zone. These shifts can make all the difference. Hopefully there’s something here that resonates helping you expand.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

A Consistency Mindset

Consistency trumps everything. You may have all the good intentions in the world. But if you don’t remain consistent, you won’t reach goals or become the person you dream of being. Making consistency a mindset AND a habit can be life-changing.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

The Idea of Genuine Gratitude

We can all benefit from having more gratitude. But would you have guessed there’s a more beneficial type and way of going about it? Today, we talk about genuine gratitude and ways to have more of it.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

The Subconscious

The subconscious is full of messages, thoughts, beliefs and ideas that you pick up on throughout your life. If repeated or seen enough, they become strong influences for you. This can impact one’s relationships, confidence, training and more.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

How to Structure Goals

Everyone has goals. They can be big, small, challenging, lofty, short term, long term, etc. Adding structure to a goal + upgrading your mindset can mean reaching every goal.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

ANTs: Automatic Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can affect one’s health, confidence and quality of life. Some individuals may have automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) regularly without even being aware. Learn about what ANTs are, the types, how to combat them and more.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

“Doing it All” Slows You Down

You don’t need to do a million things every day to be productive or successful. The idea of “doing it all” can be detrimental to one’s wellbeing and happiness. This post explores what this looks like, briefly defines burnout and provides some actions to take.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

It’s You vs. You

It’s easy to compare yourself to others. In reality, it’s really only you vs. you. What matters most is whether you are bettering yourself, progressing and growing.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Balance vs. Harmony

It’s tough to keep life balanced. It can feel like a juggling act trying to squeeze everything in each day. What if there was a better way of looking at your life? Harmony is a perfect mindset flip.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Do it Now: A Clever Concept

We all tend to put things off. Whether it’s cleaning dishes or organizing your junk drawer. There always feels like there will be a “better time.” However, there never is and ultimately, it’s more beneficial to “do it now.”

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Motivation & Seasons

Feeling motivated is an awesome emotion, but we all know it comes and goes. It can undoubtably get discouraging. So, what can we do? This week’s article discusses how motivation is defined, why we lose it, a few things to do and more.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Goals vs. Commitments

We all have goals and things we’d like to achieve whether gym related or not. Reframing how we think about them can make a huge difference. Starting to think of goals as commitments changes the dialogue and adds seriousness.

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Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli Mindset Taylor Ciccarelli

Believe in Your Plan

Believing in yourself and your plan is tough. It’s difficult to ignore our own thoughts especially when they’re negative or full of self-doubt. Social media doesn’t help either. Fortunately, you can work on your mindset.

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