Goals vs. Commitments

Your mindset is everything. It can differentiate you from others, propel you forward and improve mental wellbeing. The mindset shift we have for you today has the potential to do all three.

The shift: think of your goals as commitments

When you think about a goal, it’s something you’d like to do or achieve. A commitment is something you will accomplish. It holds more weight and potency. 

A commitment is a promise to yourself — your future self.

It takes things from ‘would be nice’ to ‘ it’s going to happen.’ Creating more validity behind your desires. This way of thinking changes your internal dialogue.

It fosters determination and nudges you to take control.

The words you choose and how you speak to yourself matters. Your subconscious mind is always listening. The same goes for what you’re thinking. What you think about most, you get.

This is a perfect mindset for the gym. Most individuals in the gym have goals. They’re usually things like: lift heavier, hit a new PR, perform unassisted pull ups, execute more reps, etc.

Instead of saying, “My goal is to squat 155 lbs by the end of the year.” → Tell yourself, “I am committed to squatting 155 lbs by the end of the year.” 

Hear the difference? The commitment sounds confident, powerful and imminent. Make sure your commitments are backed by intention. 

What do you need to do to keep that promise?

Plan, plan, plan. Decide what steps need to be completed and when so that you can achieve your commitment. Progressive overload works perfectly for gym goals.

A strategy will help turn goals into commitments. 

Remember to give yourself grace and speak to yourself with kindness. Don’t force anything. If you truly can’t achieve the commitment by your deadline, it’s not the end of the world. 

Have a “flexible plan.” Pivot; make changes and adaptations; and go from there. 


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