My Top 3 Adroit Mindset Blog Posts

It’s finally time to recap my top three mindset articles to date on the Adroit blog.

Mindset is HUGE. Whether it’s gym related or living day to day, your internal dialogue and perspective can change how you feel. Let’s review some great reminders. 

Do it Now: A Clever Concept

The idea with this concept is that when you think about doing something, you immediately (or as soon as possible) act on it. 

Implementing this mindset frees up mental and emotional space. You’re no longer constantly thinking about doing the thing. This gets you acting in the moment. 

The task most likely has to be completed whether it’s in the moment or at a later time. Choosing the former means to-do lists become shorter. You shorten the number of “open tabs” in your brain. 

Why does this matter? You free up space to think about bigger, complex thoughts. You’re also keeping the promises you’ve made to yourself. 

Re-read the whole post here

Consistency Mindset

This was a more recent post, but it’s so so good. 

Repetition leads to results. This is how you become who you want to be. Commit to completing the action regularly.

Solely relying on motivation won’t always be enough. Motivation is an emotion that comes and goes. It won’t always be there unlike consistency. 

It’s especially important to remain consistent on days you don’t feel like it. These are the moments where you grow, learn and discover. You prove to yourself that you matter. 

Don’t forget to reflect when establishing new habits or changing aspects of your life. 

Ask yourself the tough questions and answer honestly. Are you doing what you said you would? Are your actions moving you closer or further from where/who you want to be?

Create the life you desire by reading the full consistency article

Something is Better Than Nothing

This blog post highlights the importance of showing up for yourself. It’s the moments you decide to do something even though you don’t feel like it that matter the most. The act of showing up pushes past the mental block. 

Let’s think about workouts for example. We all have those days or even weeks where we just don’t feel like training. Maybe you’re extra busy or the motivation is missing.

Make an effort to do whatever you can for however long you can. 30 minutes of lifting is better than nothing. A one mile walk instead of three is better than nothing. 

Even if it’s not your typical or ideal plan, doing something is better than nothing. 

This type of dedication is attainable when you remind yourself to do what you can in the moment. It’s okay if it doesn’t look the same every day. Life happens and it’s understandable.

This “something is better than nothing” mindset is crucial and transformative in all areas and all scenarios – the gym, work, spiritual, busy weeks, trying something new, etc. 

Visit the full blog post here

Additional favorite mindset posts:


Your mindset needs constant work and attention just like anything else. It’s easy to forget mindsets as well as short yourself when life gets busy. I hope this post contains a much-needed reminder + convinces you to explore our mindset posts.


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My Top 3 Adroit Habit Blog Posts