Believe in Your Plan

Believing in yourself and your plan is tough. It’s difficult to ignore our own thoughts especially when they’re negative or full of self-doubt. Social media doesn’t help either. Constantly seeing what others are doing and accomplishing can take the confidence away from our own plans.

Deep down we all have this sense of what we want to accomplish. We know what we need to do to get there, yet we talk ourselves out of it and self-sabotage. Believing in your plan takes a lot of mental work and trust

There are a few mindsets and ideas you can embody to make believing in your plan natural. The first being to make it a part of your identity. When you start to act ‘as if’, you’re embodying that persona and lifestyle. The energy you put out into the world is the energy you get back.

Let’s say you want to be a morning person. Start doing what morning people do such as going to bed earlier or creating a morning routine. After a while these things will become habits and instead of “acting,” you’ll finally be that type of person. 

This exemplifies the idea that action creates more action. The more you start to do something, the more likely you’ll be to continue. This works because you start to see that you are capable of achieving tasks. Eventually, they add up leading to progress. 

You have to start doing whatever it is you’re dreaming of. If you want to be a dancer but currently never dance, you are never going to become one. But if you sign up for a class which leads to taking lessons and then to joining a group, all of a sudden you’ve become a dancer. 

The hidden lesson is that you learn and become confident by doing. Attaining small goals instead of focusing on the bigger picture allows us to see our capability. This doesn’t mean everything will go as planned. Failure and setbacks are always a part of the process. When you’re forced to take a step or two backward, pause and find the lesson before moving forward.

Why question the one person you should always listen to? (Pssst, I’m talking about YOU.) You know it’s within you. Whatever it is you want to do or whoever it is you want to be. Have faith and take a small step toward the end goal. Once you see yourself progressing, you’ll start to believe in your plan.


Mind Gut Connection


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