It’s You vs. You

A concept and theme mentioned in previous articles that deserves its own shoutout – you vs. you. You are your biggest competition. Are you moving forward or are you staying stagnant?

This mentality is similar to challenging yourself to be one percent better every day. However, this focuses on a broader approach. It reminds you to stay in your lane – not to be bothered or concerned by others. 

It challenges you to be a better version of yourself than you were last week, last month or last year. 

This competition with yourself will get you to a better version of yourself. Your future self is the person you feel deep down. Where your dreams and ambitions are, and the habits you so badly want to embody. 

We get so caught up in what everyone else is doing and achieving; where they’re traveling to; what they do for a living; what kind of workouts they do or fitness classes they attend; what they’re eating; etc. 

This makes us feel jealous, behind, doubtful, upset, annoyed, disappointed and the like. We start to compare ourselves to them even when what they are doing isn’t something we truly desire. Confidence and drive starts to diminish.

It’s you vs. you. 

Squatted 120 last month? Aim for 135 this month. Read 15 books last year? Aim for 30 this year. Meditated for five minutes every day this week? Aim for 10 minutes a day next week. 

Progress and consistency are always key. You won’t get where you want to if you’re always concerned with others’ lives. Your habits should compound day after day resulting in progress.

You’ll hear individuals say things like “I’ve always been this way” or “It runs in my family.” Whether they realize it or not, phrases like these are excuses. Compete with yourself.

Catch where you are holding yourself back. Dr. James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist and doctor of pharmacy, says to compete against your ego, fears, bad habits, self-doubt, distractions, comfort zone, procrastination, lack of discipline and negative thinking. Work on your weaknesses. 

This mentality is a reminder to focus on YOU. It helps mitigate your concern toward others. You’re most likely holding yourself back in more ways than you realize. 

The good news?

You’re also the only one that can make yourself happy. The only one that can move yourself forward, crush goals and live the life you desire. Your habits and daily decisions will get you there.


Food is Medicine


Your Words Matter