Something is Better Than Nothing

Showing up for yourself is essential. This is true in all areas of our lives whether it's related to fitness, professional endeavors, personal situations, etc. This doesn’t mean that it’s easy. 

It’s crucial no matter what season you’re in. Whether you’re trying something new or doing something you’ve always done. We hope that this article opens your eyes (and mind) to why something is better than nothing. 

While most of our examples will revolve around fitness and working out, we talk through some other scenarios too.

When you have a bad or busy day, the last thing you want to do is workout. On those days, something is better than nothing. The small act of showing up for yourself is monumental.

When you don’t feel like doing something, that's when you need to do it the most. You’re pushing past that mental block and growing. Showing your subconscious that although your mind is saying that workout doesn’t matter, you have the power to remain consistent. 

You’ll never accomplish your goals if you aren’t constantly taking steps to get there. Small bits of progress add up and compound into big moves. The smallest amount of effort matters in the long run. 

Do what you can in the moment. That’s all you can do. Continue to put in the work and overtime you’ll be able to do more. Whether that’s run farther, squat heavier, hold a pose longer, etc. 

Showing up for yourself may not look the same every day. However, there’s beauty in that. Meet yourself where you are, but don’t be afraid to push yourself too.

You’ll know when to test your limits. Growth happens during these moments. When you’re constantly showing up AND testing your boundaries, you’re certain to flourish. 

Do the things that scare you. Pushing past your comfort zone teaches you that you can achieve more. Growth happens here too.

Doing and failing is better than doing nothing at all. It’s the journey, failures, setbacks and hiccups that teach us. That’s where the lessons are; not in the achievements. 

Life happens and can get pretty hectic.

Sometimes we have to skip a workout or can only make it to the gym twice during a week. This doesn’t mean that you give up entirely. Simply start where you left off and go from there. 

We also have those days where we’re running short on time.

Next time this happens, remember the theme of this post: something is better than nothing. 30 minutes is better than zero. Three reps is better than zero. One mile is better than zero. You get the point. 

It all adds up acting as building blocks to where you want to go. You’re repeatedly showing yourself that you're worthy and you deserve it. This idea also applies to when you want to try something new.

You have to start somewhere, right? Even if it’s so small, the tiniest bit of effort will get you that much closer. It will be worth it in the long run – your future self with thank you. 

This relates to everything, not just working out and fitness. You’re more likely to remain consistent when you adopt this mentality. You become confident by doing. 

We’ve all experienced a moment like this: full of hesitation because we aren’t confident or we’ve never done “it” before. The only way you’ll become confident is if you do that thing to build familiarity. Take the leap and give it a try. 

The act of continuously showing up for yourself is a form of self love and self respect. The more often you do, the easier it will become. Especially on hard days. 

Slow progress is still progress.


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