The Subconscious

Have you ever thought about how you don’t need to think of all the steps that come with driving? You just get in the car and go. The act of driving becomes habitual thanks to the subconscious. 

Everyone has a subconscious – it is powerful, impressionable and complex.

Oxford Languages defines the subconscious as: “of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings.”

It’s the force behind our thoughts, emotions, wants, desires and behaviors. Typically, these are things we don’t need to think about but once we do, they’re clear.  It has control over physical functions based on accessible information.

There are two parts to the mind – subconscious and conscious. 

The subconscious mind, also known as the original brain, is ridiculously powerful and fast. It can process up to 40 million bits of data from your environment every second. It’s handling thousands of tasks at a time.

With that said, it’s completely habitual and runs off of what you’ve already learned. 

Science shows that 90-95% of your life is attributed to the programming of your subconscious. This comes from parents, family, your upbringing, legal guardians, teachers, music, podcasts, etc. A mold is being formed.

These experiences essentially shape your life and influence your decisions.  

Evolution brought the conscious mind or self also referred to as the prefrontal cortex. It’s considered an “add on option” that most don’t engage. A small piece, the conscious mind can only process 40 bits of data per second. 

This means only 5% of our daily activity is cognitive. 

The two work together. If the conscious mind is engaged, it will control what it’s focusing on. This means that whatever it is not focusing on, the subconscious mind will control. Meaning your programming is taking over. 

Most individuals spent their days thinking about the past or future. The subconscious then swoops in and depicts the present. Since the conscious mind doesn’t pay attention, it doesn't realize programs are being played by the subconscious. 

You are playing the programs you’ve gotten from others, not necessarily the ones you want. 

Let’s break down an example: you grew up being teased about your weight and told you need to exercise to work off the food you ate. That’s going to be a belief you carry into adulthood. Your subconscious will work to uphold this negative thought daily.

The subconscious is doing its job – to create a reality of its programming. 

Having the awareness of what the subconscious is and how it’s formed is eyeopening. You will start to see how it influences your life. Fortunately, you can rewrite unwanted thought patterns and undo negative habits.

Reprogramming a Negative Thought:

  1. Identify what triggers the thought

  2. Determine if this thought is constant or only occurs in particular instances

  3. Analyze how this thought limits you 

  4. Think about what you’d like the thought(s) to be and why 

  5. Visualize how you’d feel and what your life would be like with the new pattern 

Additional tips for reprogramming:

  • Say affirmations 

  • Try new things + experiences 

  • Practice gratitude 

  • Set aside time to rest + do nothing 

These activities challenge what your brain already knows, and in turn increases neuroplasticity. You take back your power to create the life you want. This benefits all relationships – personal, social, professional, romantic.


There may come a time where you become aware of a belief that you do not like or don’t understand why you have it. After this realization, it’s up to you to take action. You can create the life you want.


Enjoying the Holiday Season


Strengthening Your Core