Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Journaling 101

Journaling is something for everyone in all phases of life. It’s an amazing tool that allows you to decompress, make realizations and get clear. This post covers all things journaling.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

My Top 3 Adroit Habit Blog Posts

I rounded up my top three (plus some more) habit-focused Adroit posts. Revisiting these serves as awesome reminders when you get off track or caught up. There’s summaries of my top three topis, links to the original posts and more.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Why you Should Leave Your Comfort Zone

Comfort zones keep us stagnant. They may feel good, but they can really hold us back from living our true, authentic lives. Let’s talk all things comfort zones and why you should get out of yours often.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

AM + PM Routines

Do you have an a.m. and p.m. routine? You might benefit greatly by establishing a few habits to follow. Routines provide structure, clarity, mindfulness, relaxation and more.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Limit Scrolling and Screen Time

Screens are everywhere and social media is all encompassing. It can take a toll in more ways than one — some of which you may not even be aware. Limiting your time can be wildly beneficial.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

How Does Muscle Memory Work?

Muscle memory is a crazy, gratifying phenomenon. We know the body can do wonderful things like remembering how to ride a bike or swing a golf club, but how does it recover muscle it’s lost. This post reviews what actually goes down within muscle fibers and cells when starting to workout after losing muscle.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Strengthening Your Core

Core stabilization isn’t necessarily a well-known aspect of training. It helps with protecting the spine as does bracing the core. Read through a personal story while learning about stabilizing your deep core muscles.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Need More Energy?

We need energy. This post is perfect if you feel like you’re always tired, struggling and dragging your feet. Energy is vital for day to day activities as well as training.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

How to Brace Your Core

Don’t think about bracing your core while working out? Well, this post will make you want to establish the habit. Learn the basics of bracing your core and why it’s important by clicking ‘read more.’

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Types of Movement

There are several types of movement that all carry their own purpose and benefits. Including a variety means you are building an overall, well-rounded physique. It also means your using your body to its full potential.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Learn + Unlearn

Are you constantly learning? What about unlearning bad habits? These two actions can improve your brain health and function as well as influence a better mood.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Your Words Matter

You may have been told that the way you speak to others matters. But what about the way you speak to yourself? Guest what: it matters too.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

What is Overtraining?

You do not want to mess with overtraining. It causes physical setbacks as well as mental frustration. Let’s define it while also covering signs and how to recover.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Aim to be One Percent Better Every Day

It’s difficult not to compare ourselves to others, get wrapped up in all our to-dos and to be overwhelmed by our busy schedules. It may seem like you are always doing the most, but getting no where. Focusing on being one percent better every day can help with these uneasy feelings.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

An Overview of Deload Weeks

Deload weeks can propel training while also acting as a safeguard. Prioritzing them can give your body and mind a much needed break. Learn what they are, how they work, why they’re beneficial and more.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Living on Autopilot

Autopilot occurs when we complete tasks without thinking. As a form of protection, this is great for the brain. However, allowing it to take over isn’t ideal.

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What is Habit Stacking?

Starting new habits can be intimidating and difficult. We all wish we could do more but how? Tools like habit stacking can aid in ths desire.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

Ways to Overcome Training Plateaus

We all know how discouraging and inconvenient plateaus can feel. There are concrete tools you can implement into your training to overcome them. Challenge yourself and your muscles by learning something new.

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Habits Taylor Ciccarelli Habits Taylor Ciccarelli

6 Ways to Level up Your Lifting Game

It’s normal to dread a workout or hit a plateau every once in awhile. We’ve created a list our favorite things that will level up and enhance your lifting. Check out our list and find something new to try.

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