Limit Scrolling and Screen Time

Screens are everywhere. 

Phones. Tablets. TVs. Computers. Laptops. In cars. In waiting rooms. At work. 

Social media and the internet are amazing tools. They allow us to learn, connect with others, be entertained, make a living and so much more. But let’s be honest… our screens can start to consume us. 

Especially our phones. 

Some of us may be better than others or you may go through phases, but constantly being on your phone can start to impact your wellbeing. 

It can:

  • Cause issues with concentration and productivity

  • Lead to anxiety and/or depression

  • Affect your physical health

  • Overload your senses 

Why is it so Addicting?

Our brains are wired for patterns. They love the same things over and over creating a craving. You unknowingly give your brain what it wants. 

The brain also gets small hits of dopamine when scrolling from post to post. This is what makes it so addicting. You’re always looking to reach that same feeling and developers caught onto this. 

Social media and apps are designed to be addictive. They’re meant to grab your attention, keep you there and give your brain dopamine hits. You then start to crave that cycle which keeps you going back. 

Other Downfalls

The brain has its best power in the first two hours of being awake. It’s the most productive, has the highest speed of processing and it’s most alert. What you do during this time sets up how the rest of your day is going to go. 

Using your phone first thing in the morning is choosing to put others before yourself.

You’re allowing others lives, news, emails, negativity, etc into your morning before doing anything for your own wellbeing. The first hour of your day should be for YOU. Think movement, reading, meditating, hydrating, etc. 

Being on your phone or using a screen within an hour of going to bed can disrupt your sleep too.

The blue light from screens slows natural melatonin production, the hormone that makes us sleepy.  For the best night’s sleep, have a bedtime routine that doesn’t include a screen. Find activities that help you wind down.

Ways to Limit Screen Time

There are several ways to combat excessive scrolling or decrease screen time for the benefits. Everyone is different and it may take you a while to figure out what works for you. Trial and error is the way to go. 

Ways to decrease screen time include:

  • Using time restriction apps or settings on your device 

  • Keep your phone or device out of your bedroom

  • Use the pomodoro technique when working (25 minutes of work followed by a 5 minute break that does not include a screen)

  • Replace the habit (When you reach for your phone, pause and immediately do something else – squats, push ups, walk around the house, etc. (Habit stacking))

  • Immerse yourself in the present 


You may not think you need to limit your phone or screen use. However, I challenge you to pay attention to how much you reach for your phone. Observe what you read, listen to, watch and who you talk to. 

Ideally, ask yourself how you’re using it. Is it serving you? Are you just wasting time?

Using your phone less can better your physical health, mental health, relationships and overall well being. It may take time to make such a change and to experience the benefits. Don’t give up if it’s something you want to try.

I skimmed this article for some inspiration and found it helpful.


The Idea of Genuine Gratitude


Movement is Medicine