Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Eating Seasonally

Eating gets better when you choose foods that are in season. They’re tastier, higher quality and more abundant. Most importantly, they are at full potential with nutrient density.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Meal Prepping 101

Meal prepping is a game changer. It keeps you on track, lessens decision fatigue, saves time and more. This post describes what it can look like, the benefits, tips and more.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Nutrition Reminders + Tips

We’ve gather some of our top nutrition reminders and tips for a solid foundation — perfect for the beginning of a new year! We can all always improve what we eat, how we eat and our H2O intake. Maybe this post will serve as the catalyst for your much-needed changes.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Enjoying the Holiday Season

The start of the holiday season is upon us. This time of year brings food, dessert, alcohol, parties and travel. It’s a time where most routines get interrupted. Let’s chat about how you can enjoy your holiday season!

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Digestive Enzymes + Stomach Acid

Digestive enzymes and stomach acid are main players in gut health. They are both naturally occurring in the body, but can benefit from support. This post explores what they are, their roles, how to support production and more.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Food is Medicine

Food has power to enliven us or to slow us down. The foods we eat and consume the most can influence inflammation, anxiety, depression, type 2 diabetes and much more. A lot of “common issues” can be alleviated through food.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

A Rundown of Fiber

Eat. Your. Fiber. Most of us don’t think about fiber each day, week month or even year. Consuming enough fiber each day can be life changing and drastically improve one’s health.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Water: The Body’s Lifeline

Our bodies are nearly all water. However, we do not store it. Properly hydrating every single day is necessary. Drinking enough keeps us energized and our organs functioning correctly. Learn some new facts about H2O here.

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Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli Nutrition Taylor Ciccarelli

Mind Gut Connection

What you eat directly influences your mood. We all have nonhuman cells in our gut called our microbe that get fed when we eat. When fed, certain signals are sent to the brain producing associated chemicals.

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