Meal Prepping 101

Meal prepping might seem intimidating. This could be because you don’t know what it really looks like or you may not want to spend “hours” in the kitchen. If that’s the case, then why do so many people do it?

Cutting to the chase: it provides convenience

There’s some misconceptions when it comes to meal prepping. Plus it can be tailored for everyone making it doable for all lifestyles. Let’s talk about what meal prepping is, benefits, how to do it, what’s needed, tips and ideas. 

What it is + Benefits

Meal prepping is essentially making food before you need it. The quantity may vary, however, it’s typical to make about a week’s worth. Everything is then ready for you to eat throughout the week. 

You don’t have to make decisions or spend time preparing. It’s also easier to stick to your goals when it’s conveniently there and ready. You’re more likely to reach for what you’ve made instead of cooking. 

This also helps with staying away from processed foods and snacks. 

How to Meal Prep

There are a few different methods of meal prepping. You can prep meals, separate foods and/or snacks. This is entirely dependent on one’s preference and lifestyle. 

Someone may prefer to prepare chili to eat for dinner an entire week. But maybe you don’t think you can commit to the same meal for 4-5 days. That means you can prep a protein or two alongside a few veggies and carbs. 

That way you can mix and match throughout the week and it won’t get boring or “old.”

Healthier snacks and desserts can be prepped too! As mentioned, you’ll be more inclined to reach for what you’ve made. This is a great way to curb cravings and lessen processed food intake. 

How you store your meal prepped food can make things easier as well. If you’re someone who’s always on the go, proportioning everything can be a massive help. This is also another way to track macros if you’re taking that seriously. 

What you Need + Tips 

You don’t have to buy a million gadgets to meal prep. If you have them, awesome – use them to your advantage. However, take inventory of what you have and find recipes that use those tools. 

If there’s an appliance you’ve been eyeing and you think it will help or motivate you, buy it. Having it could make a difference in how much you enjoy the process. It may also allow you to try more recipes than you’d be able to without it. 

Appliances that can take your meal prepping to another level include: a crockpot, dutch oven, air fryer, egg maker, rice cooker, travel blender, etc. 

The key to not being in the kitchen for hours is to work smarter, not harder. Be efficient by making the most of your time. While you have chicken cooking in the crockpot, chop and roast veggies in the oven. 

You don’t have to wait for each item to be done before starting the next. Make sure to use a few different tools and appliances as well. This ensures you can keep the process moving. 

Additional Tips:

  • Use spices and healthier sauces 

  • Prep the meal that you struggle to make or eat consistently 

  • Freeze meals or small portions to have on busy days or when you’re not motivated to cook

  • “Chop and Shop” – As soon as you get your groceries, wash and chop them how you plan on using them 

  • Meal prep off and on – This helps keep things fresh and avoids “burnout.” Maybe you just meal prep during weeks you’re busy or certain times of your cycle.

Meal Prep Ideas

I wanted to share a few of my favorite foods to meal prep such as:

  • Overnight oats 

  • Egg bites or an egg bake 

  • Shredded chicken (buffalo chicken quesadillas or chicken salad) 

  • Maple turkey chili 

  • Homemade protein bars 

  • Protein cookie dough 


Meal prepping isn’t for everyone, but it can be a resourceful tool for those who are busy, wishing to eat more, trying to stay on track with their goals, trying to eat less junk, etc. 

It’s a valuable way to set yourself up for success. It can be whatever you want it to be. It’s about creating a sustainable habit and lifestyle for YOU. 

Make it fun. Dedicate time on a certain day to play music and dance around while making tasty eats (be careful, of course). You may find that this is the perfect change for your nutrition.


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