Nutrition Reminders + Tips

We’re staying on the New Year trend and bringing you reminders for a solid nutrition foundation going into 2024. Perfecting the basics sets you up for success, longevity and overall health. These pillars can be instilled at any time.

Take a moment to sit and reflect on your nutrition choices. Write them all out. This will help you not only have a visual representation, but allow you to be thorough.

Answer questions like: How much water do you drink each day? Am I eating two servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables? What’s my protein intake? Could I eat more at home?

Every choice you make has an impact on your health. Whether it’s immediate or somewhere in the future. Decide how you want to treat yourself. 

Nutrition Reminders

Stay hydrated. As discussed in our Water article, H2O is involved in almost every bodily function. Drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces a day helps regulate your body’s temperature, aid the immune system, remove waste and more. 

Eat lots of protein. Protein is essential for every body as it repairs and generates new cells; reduces muscle loss; regulates hormones; etc. It keeps you fuller longer and should be included in every meal. 

Fiber + Whole foods. Prioritizing whole foods ensures you are getting fiber, nutrients and avoiding unnecessary additives. Think variety too! A range helps regulate bowel movements, maintain a healthy immune system, promote healthy hormone levels, etc. 


You can always work on improving and strengthening your “nutrition foundation.” Find what works best for you and your schedule, lifestyle and preferences. Everyone is different which means not everyone will eat the same. 

Listen to your body and what it’s telling you. You’ll know if certain foods give you energy or an upset stomach or make you break out. However, these reminders and tips are pretty general and can be followed by almost everyone. 

Additional tips:

  • Eat at least 25-30 grams of protein during breakfast 

  • Include foods rich in pre- and probiotics

  • Eat every three to four hours to maintain healthy blood sugar levels

  • Fuel your body before and after workouts 

  • Chew your food!! Ideally 15-30 times before swallowing 


Let’s face it — we can all make improvements to our nutrition. What’s one thing you can improve about your diet? Make a commitment to yourself to start implementing that change daily. 

This article is full of links to some of our nutrition-based posts. Use any of them as your starting guide and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better you. Get into the habit of becoming your own cheerleader.


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