Blue Zones: What They Eat to Live Longer

There’s proof that how you treat your body can extend your lifespan. Especially what you put into it. There are such places in the world where the individuals live longer with little chronic disease. 

These areas are called “Blue Zones.” There are some in Italy, Japan, Greece, Costa Rica and even the U.S. What makes these places so special?


One of the biggest reasons why these populations live years longer than the average American is their diet. They incorporate A TON of veggies and plant-based foods into their meals. While they do consume meat, it’s not much. 

They tend to focus on incorporating vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts. This means they’re getting tons of fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. They’re consuming a variety of different foods which is essential. 

Eating a variety of plant-based, whole foods ensures your body is being fueled with a wide range of nutrients. 

The types of foods listed above have many benefits including:

  • Reducing risk of heart disease, cancer and death

  • Reducing blood pressure 

  • Reversing metabolic syndrome 

Several Blue Zones consume a lot of fish as well. Fish is a great source of omega-3 fats helping with heart and brain health. It also slows the brain from declining in older-aged folks. 

Blue Zone individuals also tend to consume fewer calories. Instead of overeating or eating until they’re full, they stop when they’re about 80% full. The key here is to eat slow. 

It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to signal to the brain that it is full. Eating slower and chewing more aids digestion as well. These tactics help avoid weight gain and therefore, chronic disease. 


Exercise, way of living and sleep all play a role in Blue Zone residents’ longevity. 

Their exercise isn’t what you think — It’s not working out in the gym, boxing or spinning. They’re essentially just physically active and moving intentionally. Walking almost everywhere is typical. 

They don’t spend a good amount of their day sitting in an office then head to a gym for an hour or so to “make up for it.” Constant, daily movement is a way of life for them. They use their bodies all day long.

Sleep is another priority in Blue Zones. On average, they get at least seven hours a night. Sleep is huge in promoting one’s health. 

There are other cool aspects that Blue Zones have in common. Explorer, Journalist and Producer Dan Buettner talks about the “Power 9.” He covers nine facets that Blue Zones prioritize that undoubtedly lengthen their lives. 


What you eat as well as how you live can help ensure you live a longer, healthier life. 

Take action after reading this post. Incorporate more beans and plant-based foods into your diet. Walk more. Have more face-to-face interactions. 

Considering this is a nutrition-based post, where can you make additions to your diet? Where can you include more whole foods? Maybe try a food or dish you’ve never had before. 

Making it fun + trying different things + implementing better-for-you habits = a happy body & happy mind. 

I loved reading this healthline article while learning more about Blue Zones.


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