Always Hungry? Here’s Tips to Stay Full

Are you someone who is always hungry? You’re eating throughout the day, but can’t seem to stay satisfied. This post explores why you may be hungry, how to stay full and provides some thought-provoking tips. 

Hunger + Some Thoughts

You may not be eating enough protein or enough in general. Eating to stay full throughout the day is just as important as to what you’re eating. Ensure you’re consuming an adequate amount for you.

One’s occupation, training, lifestyle, dietary needs, etc., plays a huge role in how much one should eat.

If you’re someone who works outside, lifts and hikes, you are going to require a decent amount of calories. You’re constantly using the food you eat as fuel and in turn, need to replenish your body. Those with an active lifestyle are often hungrier.  

Protein is the best source for satiety. Eating more protein will fill you up and keep you fuller longer. This is crucial in battling and avoiding cravings.

When we don’t consume enough protein during a meal, we tend to feel hungry an hour or so later. In these moments people tend to crave sugar and something sweet. This most likely means reaching for easy, processed snacks. 

This does not go to say that you will never crave or want sweets, desserts or sugar. There is nothing wrong with eating chocolate, cookies, ice cream, cake or whatever your heart desires. What’s being talked about here is the quantity and frequency.

It becomes a repeated, endless cycle that turns into a habit and therefore, a routine. Sometimes occurring multiple times a day. This in combination with not enough protein (and other essential nutrients) can slow one’s progress. 

You’ll never see results you're seeking if you aren’t consuming enough protein and too much sugar. 

The Gut + Mindfulness

The mind gut connection plays a role in how full you feel as well. How you eat influences digestion, fullness levels, chemicals in the brain and your mood. A meal should take no less than 20 minutes to consume. 

That is how long it takes for the stomach to tell the brain it’s full. Eating too fast can lead to overeating and discomfort. Being present and eating mindfully with minimal distractions can help. 

Remember: Chew. Your. Food.

It can also be beneficial to pause and reflect when you start to feel hungry before immediately reaching for food. Are you actually hungry or are you bored? Have you had a complete meal yet? Do you need to drink more water?

Why Does it Matter?

The feeling of hunger affects our mood, ability to focus and hormone functions. A lot of people tend to get restless too. And as mentioned above, most start to crave sugar or something sweet reaching for whatever is easy. 

You may feel full and satisfied in the moment, but it won’t last long. Sugar and carbs are quick energy sources. They will be burned up in no time once again leaving you hungry. This cycle will repeat. 

Have you ever had that moment where you’re making dinner and you’re so hungry that you snack while cooking?

Then, the meal is ready, you take a few bites but you’re too full to finish? Eating adequately throughout the day helps eliminate that desperation hunger.

Odds are you didn’t eat enough protein and will eventually be hungry or snacky in the evening. 

What Can You do?

Follow some of the already mentioned tips and advice. You can also start to consume more of your protein sources at each meal. If you struggle to eat a lot in one sitting, incorporate more protein-rich snacks. 

Swap your snacks for minimally processed options that can be readily available. If you’re someone with a sweet tooth, keep fruit prepared and on-hand. Search for and test out ‘healthier’ dessert recipes too.

There are a ton of healthy dessert recipes that use cottage cheese, protein powder, oat flour, almond flour, coconut oil, beans, sweet potatoes, coconut sugar, etc.

Remember to keep an open mind. Will a copycat healthy recipe taste exactly like your nostalgic treat? Probably not. However, our taste buds (and their preferences) can change. 


To wrap it up:

  • Eat enough for your lifestyle 

  • Prioritize protein 

  • Eat slow and chew your food 

  • Hunger leads to a decrease in performance and mood, and an increase in overindulgence 

  • Make healthy snack and dessert swaps (if you’re a regular snacker or have a chronic sweet tooth; you CAN indulge in “regular” treats too)

It’s normal to feel hungry. But being hungry all the time or soon after meals may mean you aren’t eating enough or enough of the filling stuff.  This affects us in the gym, in our relationships, in school, at work and beyond. 

Pay attention and learn what works best for you. Some feel better eating three big meals each day. Others prefer smaller meals with two or three snacks in between. Everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for you. 


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