
Self-care is essential. Making time for yourself is essential. Filling up your cup is essential. 

There’s a lot of misconceptions when it comes to the topic of self-care. It’s sometimes even talked about jokingly. While it can be bubble baths and face masks, it goes way way deeper than that. 

The biggest takeaway from this blog should be that it’s always customizable and different for everyone. 

Let’s chat about how self-care is defined, pillars of self-care, examples and more. 

There were two definitions I found that are simple and easy to understand. Collins Dictionary defines self-care as “a person looking after their own emotional wellbeing.” defines it as “the act of attending to one’s physical or mental health alongside the products or practices used to comfort or soothe oneself.”

The overall theme here is what YOU are doing for YOURSELF. The habits, hobbies and rituals that make you feel whole. These activities performed consistently overtime can revamp your life. 

Active Minds has an awesome article on self-care. They describe it as “maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself.” Prioritizing the actions that ultimately take care of your mind, body and soul. 

Why Practice Self-Care

We tend to put everything and every one above us. Self-care puts an end to that cycle – making yourself a priority. An important note: Self-care is NOT selfish. 

These acts allow you to improve both your physical health as well as your mental health. 

Self-care has been shown to reduce stress and bring you into a parasympathetic state. Promoting your well-being in this way means you can live fully, boldly and energetically. 

Additional benefits include:

  • Lowered risk of illness and disease 

  • Increased productivity and focus

  • Improved relationships 

  • More energy 

  • Heightened self-esteem and self-worth

  • Stronger immune system 

8 Pillars of Self-Care

There are eight different areas of self-care. Having a well-rounded self-care routine would mean that you often do something that falls in each. Let’s review the different types and examples:

  • Physical – Exercising; Walking; Quality sleep

  • Social – Setting healthy boundaries; Spending time with those who lift you up 

  • Mental – Meditating; Journaling; Breath work 

  • Emotional – Talking with friends; Journaling

  • Environmental – Decluttering; Cleaning; Spending time in nature

  • Spiritual – Prayer; Meditating

  • Financial – Establish emergency fund; Striving toward money goals 

  • Recreational – Reading; Trying a new hobby; Listening to your favorite music


What really matters with self-care is that you find what works for you

What relaxes you. What recharges you. What energizes you. 

As always, remember to start small. Giving yourself too much to try at the start might be overwhelming leading to frustration and “failure.” Aim for one activity a day or a few a week. 

You’ll soon begin to notice how positive, happy and light you feel. Self-care is an ongoing practice. There’s a start, but there’s no end. 

I really enjoyed reading this article from Southern New Hampshire University. It’s full of insight and wisdom about self-care. I took some nuggets and inspiration when writing this post.


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